They spend time together
The essence of a happy and healthy family is that they spend time together; not because they have to, but because they want to. Healthy families always find time to be together, no matter how busy they are. They know that time spent together is crucial – and that it builds and strengthens family bonds. This can be achieved by having a meal together, taking walks together, board game night, your family’s favourite sports activity, or even doing mundane tasks together like shopping and running errands.
They communicate
Communication is key when it comes to improving relationships. Ensuring that your children and spouse feel they are confidently able to communicate feelings, celebrate accomplishments and share frustrations will continue to cultivate their sense of self. No subject should be considered off-limits. They should feel comfortable talking about routine topics like how their day was, and even deeper, more serious issues like feelings and fears.
They look out for each other
A happy and healthy family will always have each other’s backs. You should be genuinely concerned about each other’s wellbeing and support each other during tough times. Your support system should also include affirmation and encouragement. This is necessary to help people discover who they are and what they do well, which builds a strong sense of personal security. Go to their sports games, celebrate when someone achieves something amazing, encourage each other to try new things, and help each other with tasks.
They have fun
Today’s family is very busy. With work, school, extracurricular activities, homework, and chores – it can be hard to find the time to have fun. Family fun is an important part of building a strong family identity. When families have fun together, it builds a bond that can last a lifetime. Traditions are often developed in times of fun. Games night, family movie night, or an adventure day can easily become an enjoyable family tradition. Everyone’s idea of fun is different, so try to incorporate something that everyone will enjoy.
They share a sense of togetherness
Children should feel involved in some of the decision-making to feel like a worthwhile family member. Disregarding their opinions and ideas will make them feel unworthy. It’s also nice to share a common sense of belonging, as well as morals and beliefs. Even if you and your family members have different beliefs, there should be tolerance and a mutual respect of different views. Your children’s sense of self worth heavily influenced by the security they feel within their family unit.
Do you know what else makes for a happy and healthy family? Travelling. Travelling together will expose you to new cultures and experiences, allow you to make unforgettable memories, and bring you closer together. Your family will love holidays in Alicante. Marjal Costa Blanca Camping Resort has everything you need for a successful holiday. As one of the most entertainment-packed family resorts in the Costa Blanca region, guests of all ages are guaranteed to have the time of their lives – whether you’re staying in our modern camping plots or fully equipped bungalows.